Haydon Kennan Foundation

The Haydon Kennan Foundation was created in memory of Haydon Kennan, who became an angel at the age of 15 weeks and 2 days. Haydon was extremely courageous in his battle, and touched the hearts of so many people, and continues to do so.

His mum Helen said : “During our time with our son we were fortunate to have been able to gather memorial keepsakes, in particular Haydon’s hand and foot impressions. I made these as a gift for Haydon’s Daddy Jim at one of his hospitals, when he had a virus and couldn’t visit. We are so grateful to have these, and treasure them so much. They are one of our most precious items and will be always.”

“We hope to offer a similar comfort to others who find themselves in this same devastating situation. A time when words aren’t enough.”

Working in partnership with Simba the fund, fundraises to help to cover the cost of the clay imprint kits to accompany Simba’s medium and large Memory Boxes. These vital kits create a lasting impression of the baby’s hand and feet that are treasured forever.

Haydon Kennan Foundation Logo
Baby Prints

Support us with a donation

Without fundraising, Simba would simply not be able to provide the support that so many bereaved families need at their critical time of loss. We heavily rely on the kindness and generosity from our incredible supporters throughout the year.

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