Bereavement Rooms

We were able to spend the whole night with her through to the following day. We held her, sang to her, told her how much we loved her and that we were sorry that she wasn’t going to come home to start her life in our little family. The time we got to spend with her was precious and something I will eternally be grateful for."
A peaceful and private place to say goodbye
Simba, in collaboration with local fundraisers, refurbish Bereavement Rooms within Maternity Units to offer families the opportunity to spend precious time with and prepare to say goodbye to their baby in peaceful and private accommodation.
We work with each hospital to select the perfect rooms, which are ideally are positioned away from the main wards but with maternity staff and medical facilities on hand. Extended family members and friends may also be able to visit, so a refurbishment may include a small sitting room area that is specifically for their use as well as counselling or support rooms in early pregnancy support units.
Bereavement Rooms are the most special place; a place where we can’t change the sadness of what has happened but we can and have changed the feel and sanctuary of the space. Time spent in a Bereavement Room, making the most precious of memories together as a family or with extended family and friends is time that can never be replaced.
Bereavement Rooms are located in the following hospitals:
- Raigmore Hospital
- Forth Valley Hospital
- Princess Royal Maternity
Hospital - Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- The Royal Alexandra
Maternity Hospital - The Simpsons Maternity
Unit, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary - Borders General Hospital

Bereavement Rooms opened in 2024
16th February 2024: Heather Suite, Raigmore Hospital Inverness

Our brand new ‘Heather Suite’ was unveiled at the Maternity Unit of the Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. This beautifully furnished new Bereavement Room, designed to offer privacy and comfort to families at their critical time of baby loss, has been funded by an incredible group of dedicated local fundraisers through Simba. The team at the Raigmore are delighted with how the room looks and feels and are immensely proud of what has been achieved.
30th January 2024: Elidon Room, Borders General Hospital Melrose

An emotional gathering was held at the Borders General Hospital (BGH) near Melrose, to officially open their new ‘Eildon Room’, a refurbished Bereavement Room made specifically for families at their critical time of baby loss. The peaceful and beautifully furnished suite (pictured) has been generously funded by a group of dedicated local fundraisers through Simba.
“I am grateful to all the fundraisers, Simba, our Estates Department and Grosvenor Interiors for making this happen. It has been long awaited and our families within the Borders will benefit from our newly refurbished Eildon Room.”
Kirsteen Guthrie, Associate Director of Midwifery, NHS Borders
Support us with a donation
Without fundraising, Simba would simply not be able to provide the support that so many bereaved families need at their critical time of loss. We heavily rely on the kindness and generosity from our incredible supporters throughout the year.